EventOn SMS


This addon adds SMS feature to the default EventON plugin, RSVP and Tickets addons. It is very easy to use. After it is installed and activated, a settings panel will allow administrator to compose custom message, and other setup options in individual events will give choice to enable sending SMS.

The EventON plugin is required and activated for this to work with basic event. When a new event is created or an existing event is modified, SMS can be sent to registered users.

When the ticket addon is available, it adds a form filed in the checkout page where client can add their number and receive SMS when the order is made.

Users who have RSVP’d to an event can also be sent SMS with custom message after or when the status changes..

You can check it live :eventonsms.momothemes.com
( username:demo, password:demo)

Online documentation can be found at http://eventonsms.momothemes.com/documentationSMS/


1.1 Added function to send reminder sms 24 hours before start of event

1.0 Initial release


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