Has God Given You Words of Knowledge & Wisdom

Has God Given You Words of Knowledge & Wisdom

Do you have spiritual gifts? How do you get the spiritual gifts talked about in the Bible? Does everyone have spiritual gifts? What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? What are the spiritual gifts? These are some of the questions that Randy and Taylor will be answering as they delve into how you can operate in your spiritual gifts to realize the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. In this episode Randy and Taylor will be talking about the gifts of knowledge and wisdom. Discover whether you have these gifts, and how you can understand them.
#revelationsfromheaven , #RandyKay, #Miracles, #NDE

Resources mentioned in this episode:

►Show Notes: https://randykay.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Word-of-Wisdom-and-Word-of-Knowledge-Show-Notes.pdf

►Revelations From Heaven, A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, & 31 Supernatural Discoveries: https://www.amazon.com/Revelations-He…

►Get 20% off Taylor’s Online Bible Study He Speaks, What if God Spoke Back: https://fireplacefaith.teachable.com/…

►Get Taylor’s Free Ebook on 8 Biblical ways to Hear God’s Voice: https://fireplacefaith.com/8-biblical…

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Connect with Taylor Jensen:

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