All About Angels

This episode will reveal to you the secrets of God’s angels – what they do, what they look like, and how they are positioned in Heaven and on Earth. Maybe you have entertained angels unaware, or maybe you are being watched over by an angels right now. Perhaps a warrior angel has been positioned over your hometown or your nation. Randy Kay shares his experiences with angels in Heaven, and both Randy and Taylor will cite scriptures from the Bible to explain these angels. You won’t want to miss this revealing episode of Heaven on Earth, because you almost invariably will be touched by an angel.
#angels #God #Jesus

Welcome to Randy Kay’s YouTube channel, where we bring encouraging messages of hope through the inspirations of God’s Holy Spirit, and miraculous encounters like those who have experienced the afterlife.

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Revelations From Heaven:
New Book! – Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality:


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File Sharing and Document Management Under Joomla

Imagine you worked all week on a report for presentation to an important client tomorrow morning. At the end of the day you congratulate yourself and save the report files to your computer’s hard drive.The next morning you arrive at work only to find your worst nightmare coming true – your computer won’t boot and you can’t get the files. Your boss starts breathing down your neck to produce the report because the client arrives in five minutes. What will you do?

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