Dr. Ben Carson: Education Changes Everything | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Dr. Ben Carson: Education Changes Everything | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Today on Takeaways, Kirk Cameron is joined by Dr. Ben Carson to discuss the importance of education and not giving excuses.

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Watch full episodes of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN On Demand: https://watch.tbn.org/takeaways-with-kirk-cameron

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #bencarson #education

The Art of Creating Headers For Your Sites

Creating headers is far more than placing the name of your company in basic Times New Roman font across the top of the page. Having software such as Header Generator allows you to create artistry with the header that will stick with each visitor.

Effective And Easy To Create Squidoo Lenses

An introduction about squidoo and some of the important points to note about this free and highly valued service.

Oh, What a Tangled “Web” We Weave

In talking to business owners about their “Tekno Plan” one question keeps coming up… “What should I do with my website?” Most businesses have a website, but, to date, it simply represents something that they poured some money into awhile back and have since largely forgotten it. It’s a box that’s been checked on the got-to-have list (along with business cards and other key marketing materials). Find out how you can weave a much tighter web presence for your business (one that captures the attention of your prospective clients).

Are You Scaring Away Web Visitors?

For most small businesses, the goal of having a web site is to attract customers, gather leads, and convert sales. But is that what YOUR web site is doing?

Turn Your Joomla Site Into the Next eBay!

Online auctions have effectively created a giant virtual marketplace where people can gather to buy, sell, trade and check out the goods of the day. In this massive marketplace that, according to Forrester Research, will generate an estimated $48.5 billion in sales by 2006, the auction site that rules the game is eBay auction.

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