Holiness Q+R

Holiness Q+R

Jon and Tim answer listener questions on the subject of Holiness.

Usability And Navigation – How To Make It Work

Unfortunately, lots of websites may not be considered usable and push off lots of potential customers just because it’s hard to find a menu, or a product price list, or to navigate through different sections. These looking little gaps sometimes turn out to be really critical, especially for small businesses, and have no right to remain unfixed. It’s great if you have worked hard on functionality, but what’s the use of it if no one will like to work with the site because it’s inconvenient or ugly? Any web project has to be well optimized for search engines and on the other hand it has to be very simple to navigate, clear and easy to use.

Should I Have My Own Website?

Online businesses are ever-changing to better tailor to the Internet. Everyone from home based businesses to the largest corporations is and will be on the Internet. Let’s face the facts, your competition is on the Internet.

Taxonomy Strategy Part 1

It seems that when most websites are built these days at least some consideration is given to traffic building by using any number of strategy’s: SEO, SEM and Online PR / Seeding. However that is all about getting users to your website. So what consideration is being given to keep users their once they arrive? It would appear that if Web 2.0 is all about creating a more interactive user experience. Web 3.0 is all about providing users the right information they want on-demand. The answer? A Taxonomy strategy.

The 7 Capital Sins When Creating A Web Site

Thinking in going online? If you really want to have success when creating your website, I introduce a list of common mistakes that people used to do. Please, pay attention to succeed with your business online:

Google PR Is Case Sensitive

According to web standards, all URL’s should be case sensitive. This is the case for Google and other search engines, but unfortunately this rule is not respected by Microsoft servers. This means your website could be serving duplicate content on hundreds or thousands of pages. Read this article to protect yourself against this issue.

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