The Bible Knows The Things To Come (The Prophecy Will Be Fulfilled)

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch

Internet Marketing Websites 101 – A Beginners Guide to Website Building

So you want your own Internet Marketing website, and it seem straightforward enough, but there is one looming question: “How much is this all going to cost?” It’s a great question, and as someone with big ideas and a limited budget I can certainly relate! I guess the answer all depends on what you are trying to do… but let me do my best to answer.

Tips On Business Blogging

Blogs are everywhere, and you know they have reached the point of no return when corporate IT departments begin to evaluate different blogging software tools. Some call these “dark blogs” because they are not publicly available. Let’s examine the trend in more detail.

Web Site Creation for Success

Website creation is vital for effective representation of businesses and also for the promotion of the products and services one offers. With the world moving largely on to the internet, it is nearly impossible…

Web Page Maker

More and more people are realizing the benefits of having a web presence – even if it is only a one page site. For big business the process of building a web site is relatively easy in that they will allocate a budget and hire someone with the skills needed to complete the project. For those who run a small business or who perhaps want to put up a web presence for themselves, a club or society, it can be more of a challenge. Read on to find out how easily you can have your own website today.

Web Pages Dummies – Err – Beginners

I hope you pardon the expression “dummy”. It’s meant in jest as not too long ago, I was most certainly a web “dummy” (beginner). Creating web pages for dummy web masters is not as difficult as it may first appear and those new to web page creation should not feel daunted at the thought of learning some basic HTML to create a web page. Trust me, I’m a moron. I mean a straight em’ up dunce. I just learned how to turn on my computer a year ago. If I can do this, anyone can. Heck, if I can do this, even a chimpanzee can. Read on to learn how simple it really is.

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