American Sniper Dies From Bomb – Sees Heaven

American hero and Purple Heart recipient Robert Bartlett died three times, twice from an Iranian bomb that landed in Iraq destroying half of his face, and killing some of his fellow soldiers. This American sniper had a premonition that he would die as a youth around the age of 31 prior to dying in the battlefield at that same age. But what happened for Robert after dying is a miracle – he entered Heaven. Listen to this absolutely life-changing story from this humble man who sacrificed his life for his country after registering for service following the 9-11 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. This is a must see interview!
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Revelations From Heaven:
New Book! – Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality:


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Building a Professional Website that Achieves Your Goals

Your website is an electronic extension of your business. Poorly designed web pages often fail to provide users with a satisfactory online browsing or shopping experience. By nature of being an electronic medium, web surfers have constantly growing expectations from the sites they visit while online.

How To Choose The Right Internet Marketing Service For Your Company

Chosing the right internet marketing company is important. Here are a few tips to help you.

Viral Systems & Technologies – What Are They?

What is a viral system? Simple. Any system that propagates itself simply because using it creates a “desire” (and later on, “need”) for others to use it.

How Much Should Your Website Cost?

A common question I hear is how quotations for web design and development services can vary so drastically from one web design consultancy to the next. People, quite understandably, get very confused when one quote comes back as $800, another for $8 000, and many big-brand sites can easily cost millions of dollars to create and maintain. Why the vast disparities? How can you assess if your $800 quote is a bargain or if you’re paying for the glorified equivalent of a cardboard cutout?

Building A New Website In PHP

This article is giving tips on what to look for when you are developing a website in PHP. It will give you hints and ideas what to do to get your SEO campaign off to the right start.

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