Benham Brothers: The Enemy Is Using Cancel Culture | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Takeaways: Kirk Cameron is joined by the Benham Brothers to discuss how the enemy is using cancel culture.

00:00 | Courage
00:15 | Talking About Cancel Culture
04:11 | Standing Together
06:08 | Benham Brother’s Finding Foundation
08:05 | What Is Cancel Culture?


Watch full episodes of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN On Demand:

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #cancelculture #understanding

How To Put Your Website To Work

A website that works for you will capture your prospective client’s attention, touch their heart, and encourage them to see you as the solution to their problem. A well-done site truly can help grow your business – even while you’re sleeping.

You Must Have Your Own Web Site – No Two Ways – Part 2

What you do here is to give your visitors some compelling reasons why they should give you their email address and at least their first name. Offer them a free gift and once you have the address, you can provide a pre-sell of the product. Your free gift could even complement the product they are hoping to purchase. The best and most successful affiliate marketers do a great job of pre-selling. This sets the customer up for the final hard sell by the owner of the product. Without your own website you could not do that. You can use your own website to provide a showcase of several connected affiliate products, and so open up your potential to make money. You could also offer your own products as you start to develop them, even if they are ebooks ….

You Must Have Your Own Web Site – No Two Ways!

If you intend to participate seriously in internet marketing, you must have your own website. It is possible to make money on a limited basis without one, but all serious internet marketers have a website. Even in affiliate marketing, where it is possible to send prospects to your merchant’s website, you are no longer allowed to do so using Google Adwords if somebody else is already using your merchant’s URL on Adwords, and in any case every visitor you pass on to your merchant is lost to you for ever. With your own website you can keep every visitor you get by capturing their email address so that you can keep in touch through regular emailings. Without this, your merchant would get all of these names and addresses that should rightfully…

Web Development Basics – You Must Have Your Own Web Site

There are hundreds of ways to make money on the Internet. Choosing a way that best suites you is easy. Simply determine what your interests and strengths are and then find a way to benefit from that using the Internet. However, with that you must have your own web site. After coming to the conclusion of what and how you will make money online, you need your own website. Do you shop EBay? If not, browse the site. Become familiar with it. The serious EBay sellers have their own site to sell their products. They understand that yes indeed EBay is a great source of making money, but they also understand that they have to have their own site. Having their own site, means that they can sell more, (without fees of course), they have a place to direct visitors, and they know having their own site makes them seem more professional as well as more honest and trustworthy …

Flash And Accessibility Workshop In Brighton

“The power of the web is in its Universality. Access by everyone, regardless of disability is an essential element” Tim Berbers-Lee – founder of the World-Wide-Web

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