Cariera – WP Job Manager Flutter App


Cariera | Flutter App

Cariera is a Job Board Flutter App converted from the Cariera – WordPress Theme which is based on the famous WP Job Manager plugins. If you own a website that uses the Cariera you will be able to pull all the listign data via REST API and showcase them through your Cariera App.

Once you have fully customized and configure your app you can publish it on Google Play Store and Apple Store.

Full Changelog | Flutter 3.7.0
Documentation | Video Tutorials


A Cariera based website is required in order to make the app fully functional.
The WordPress Theme is not included in the app package
Cariera - WP Job Manager Flutter App - 1


The application will showcase the exact data as the Cariera Theme. If you have added any extra listing fields, search fields or customizations to the theme you would have to customize the app in order to reflect your customizations in the app.

Key Features

  • Modern Design
  • Job Listing Showcase & Search
  • Company Listing Showcase & Search
  • Resume Listing Showcase & Search
  • User Login & Register
  • Resume & Company email contact
  • User Dashboard

App Customizations

If you are interested in any app customizations you can find the custom work packages here.

Update Logs

Ver. 1.1.0 – 01.02.2023

    Added: Upgraded to Flutter 3.7.0
    Removed: App landscape rotation
    Improved: App performance
    Improved: General app coding
    Fixed: Overflow issues
    Fixed: Small app issues

Ver. 1.0.1 – 13.12.2022

    Fixed: Big titles overflowing on: single job/resume/company page & blog item
    Fixed: Sharing packages issue on iOS

Ver. 1.0.0 – 25.11.2022

    Initial Release


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