Demon Attacks Lead to Hell…Until This Happens.

At a young age Nelson was exposed to demonic attacks amidst a tortured childhood that few could survive. As an adult he carried many of the scars from being exposed to witchcraft and abuse. After finally deciding to take his life, he entered into hell. What Nelson shares during this interview with Randy Kay is both shocking and inspiring. Nelson found Jesus, and since then he helps us understand that no one is beyond redemption, and that healing is possible. This is a must see interview!

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You Do Websites? An Example of Technology Focus at the Peril of Business Results

Nearly everyone knows the web, and it is one of the few endearing technologies that have survived the heady days of the 1990’s with its reputation and luster intact. What is dangerous about the aura of wonder surrounding the web is that generally sensible businesspeople occasionally forget all the rules surrounding marketing, effective copy writing and customer targeting that instantly come to mind with any other communication medium.

5 Ways a Website Can Help Your Business

Learn exactly what a website can do for your bottom line. Provides 5 reasons your business, offline or online, needs a strong web presence.

Website Success = Content! Content! Content!

We have all heard the real estate slogan: “Location! Location! Location!”. Well, if that is the slogan of the real estate industry then “Content! Content! Content!” is certainly the slogan for all webmasters. Maybe I should rather say it SHOULD BE the slogan for all webmasters. Unfortunately many webmasters are only focusing on how they can make more money instead of providing visitors to their website with good content.

Help, My Script Isn’t Working!

A list of tips on how webmasters can make CGI scripts work and avoid errors.

Web Accessibility

This paper describes some basics of web accessibility and few major areas(not all) that are more prone to accessibility issues. I have explained whatever I have learnt from my little experience with web accessibility. Web accessibility is a big concept and it is not possible to cover all areas in a single paper. Therefore I have packed this article with all the resources (from Internet off course), that I found helpful to understand and work on web accessibility.

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