Most People Don’t Even Realize That This Is In The Bible

Most People Don't Even Realize That This Is In The Bible

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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3 Step Guide to Create a Web Site Today!

If you really want to, YOU can have your web site live in less than 48 hours!

How To Display Amazon Products On Your WebPages Without Using JavaScript

This article contains short explanation on how to present products from Amazon on every webpage you have. Compared with using javascript code, you can gain some additional advantages by using this method.

Why Use a Web Site Translator?

Web site translation can help give you an edge in the traffic wars, but you need to understand at least a little about how it works and get the most capable web site translator.

The ‘Scoop’ on Dog Professionals’ Websites

You work hard with your dogs, and you’re proud of them. Does your website, which is often the first point of contact from a potential client, reflect your level of commitment? Or do you fall into exhibiting the two faults common to many Dog Professionals’ websites?

Are You Living The Field Of Dreams Myth

Most of you have seen or heard of the movie “Field of Dreams” You remember, Kevin Costner hears a voice telling him to build a baseball field in his corn field. “If you build it they will come”. Unfortunately this is the mind-set that most small business owners have with their websites.

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