“Play This While You Sleep, It Goes Straight to Your Spirit” | Faith | Safety | Protection
For prayers SUBSCRIBE to our Prayer channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm0suAQS-edihyD8o64ctuw
*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*
Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist
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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch team.lion.of.judah@gmail.com
Why You Should Upload a Simple Website as Soon as Possible
The longer your website addess has been displaying content for search engines to read, the more likely it is to be ranked highly. That is why it’s imperative to upload at least one page of relative content about your business while your working on your ‘real’ website.
Which One of These 5 Business Models is Your Website?Bear in mind where the majority of your income comes from. Make sure that you test whether or not conversion rates mean that you should actually be giving away everything away free and relying on advertisements for your income…
Content Ideas for Your WebsiteWhether you’re offering a physical product, a service or an information product, one of the essential parts of ensuring the success of a website is to keep it fresh. Search engines rate websites that are continually updated extremely highly.
Critical Elements Of An Ecommerce WebsiteAny online business requires ‘standard’ pages like a Privacy Policy page and an ‘About Us’ page. You may also need to include testimonials and shopping cart functions. This article shows you the details of how to do it.
Choosing a Web Package – A GuidelineSo much choice and so much to choose from! Paying someone to design and develop a web site is not an easy task today with all the competition in the market, let alone hosting and supporting your site. And what about search engine optimization? This guideline will help you ask the right questions before you decide to whom you are going to assign this task.