Straight-Up Episode 1 – Exposing False Prophets and Mind Control

Welcome to this episode of Straight-Up – Today we are discussing the power of Mind Control and False Prophets. Our guest Sheri Briggs was raised in a Cult and experienced firsthand how they used Fear to keep her under their control – fear of rejection, fear of making friends outside of church, fear of failure, fear of questioning authority, fear of being separated from her family. Then at 17 God started to show her His Truth and it began to tear down that “Wall of fears”. Sheri was 18 years old- when the “False Prophet” died and the elders claimed he was Jesus Christ. They demanded that all the members from all over the Country come to LA and pray for his resurrection. Hundreds came and filled the Church. They stood shoulder to shoulder and prayed for Three Days and Nights for his Resurrection. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and watching. God began to shine a flood-light and reveal the false teachings she had been taught.. He was setting her FREE with HIS TRUTH and HIS LOVE for her. You will be blown away by this testimony.

****. Some of the questions we asked Sheri:
Is that Cult still around today?
How can someone recognize a false prophet? Or Cult?
What are some of the things or rituals that they made you do?
Have you heard from anyone you knew back then and what is their faith like today?
What would you say to someone that is starting to question where they are?
There are some that have come out of Mind Controlling or abusive “Churches” or “Organizations”, What wisdom and encouragement can you share with them?
What is happening in our world today with silencing people or pushing their agenda is a form of Mind Control – Sheri says it is familiar spirit to the one she experienced while living in the Cult.

To Contact Sheri: and buy her book Relentless Pursuit. Sheri is also The Grief and Loss Counselor for Randy Kay Ministries You can reach Sheri for Grief Counseling at
Welcome to our newest Podcast “Straight-Up” Hosted by Renee Kay and Dr. Sheila Harden, where we bring encouraging messages of hope through interviews with Christian Thought leaders and take on edgy topics.

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