The Bible WARNED Us: Never Trust An ANGEL Who Does This

The Bible WARNED Us: Never Trust An ANGEL Who Does This

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch

Building a Professional Web Site on a Budget

Lots of people are intimidated into not starting up a web presence. It’s really not all that bad, or expensive. In a series of articles on the subject I’ll show everything from registering a domain to what software to use to promoting your web site and generating revenue. This is the first article that series.

Website Ideas That Pay – Parked Domains

How web developers can bring in extra cash. Utilize parked or dead domain names for income.

Congratulations, it’s a… Website?

As my wife and I prepare for the birth of our second child, my one-track mind has wandered to the similarities and differences between a child and a website. That may seem a little out there, but bear with me as we take a look.

Online Marketing Secrets – Get The Basics Right

The are certain key components that every marketing website must have in order to produce happy website visitors. Read this short report that details some basic components that are needed in order to sustain satisfied web visitors.

Structure of Information Systems – Enterprise Businesses Should Create Web Applications

Information Systems are there to maximize efficiency and minimize human errors. A good tool is capable of reflecting existing processes rather than imposing processes. Imposed processes are typically theoretical or defined by somebody other than the creator of those processes. The best tools should also be capable of adjusting themselves to updates to processes.

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