The New Heaven & The New Earth | The Beginning Of Forever

The New Heaven & The New Earth | The Beginning Of Forever

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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Is Content King?

It’s not just contents but other factors – offline and online promotions, presentations, etc.-simultaneously work in tandem with each other to reach the audiences. In gist, the importance of content in web 2.0 holds only when it provides an interactive scope for users.

Should Your Web Site Be Sitting On The Accessibility Naughty Step?

I am going to give you a fantastically brilliant secret that will drive traffic figures through the roof, turbo charge web site revenues and jet power your search engine positions. The secret? Make your web site accessible to all irrespective of which browser technology they use to view your content. And there you have it. Simply as ABC. Accessible Brilliant Content.

Should Your Resort Have a Website?

Suppose there is a way for people to get information on how to plan a vacation, how to fix a kitchen sink or what to cook for dinner, all at their fingertips and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a resort owner, wouldn’t you want to make sure that your resorts information is available to these people?

The Future of Web Accessibility

Accessibility is currently in a great state of change – find out what the future hold for web accessibility and how this may affect your website.

9 Steps To Create a ‘Winning’ Home Business Site

Why are some web sites successful, while others are not? Your web site will either break the bank…making hundreds, thousands or it will leave you broke with empty promises. You ask yourself, “how can I capture my visitors’ attention, so they can immediately buy from me?” Think about it…you have at least between 10-30 seconds to grab their attention as they are reading through your web site.

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