The People Who Are Going To Heaven Know This

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch

A Quick Look At Web Site Statistics

If you’re going to be an internet marketer, you better get a handle on web site statistics. While there are hundreds of different tools for measuring web site activity, here is a quick guide to some of the more common statistics prepared by most tools. Hits. “Hit’s are the number of times someone made a request for information on your site. It’s important to note some statistics tools count a hit as any information not necessarily a single visitor. For example, with some tools, if you’re home page has 3 pictures on it, a visitor to your home page might register as 4 hits – 1 for the page and 1 to download each picture. Unique Visitors. Unlike hits, unique visitors are just that – how many unique people visited your site irrespective of the number of pages they viewed. If you’re trying to build traffic, this is the data to watch. Pages. Page counts tell you how many pages on your site have been viewed. Theoretically, the smallest number of pages viewed would ….

Web Development Must Haves

The second thing you must have on your web site is an opt-in form. No visitor to your site should be allowed to leave without the option of leaving their email address. You rarely get two chances with a visitor, so make your opt-in form prominent and offer some freebie to induce them to sign up. This can be a newsletter, a free ebook or perhaps even 5 or 7 part course. Courses are good since you can prove yourself to be an expert in your field. However, once you have at least a first name and email address, you can keep in touch and send special offers of products that can provide you with an income. You will notice that all of the successful internet marketers have an opt-in form, either directly on their web site, or as a pop-up that appears while you are visiting their site. Thirdly, it is of great advantage to you have a page saying something about you. Every web site should have an “About Me” page, so that visitors can read about whom your are, where you live and what you have achieved in the ….

Outsource Web Based Application Development To India – A True Knowledge Bank

The introduction of technology into our daily lives has changed the way business is conducted. Today, the internet is not just being used for propagate information to the target customer base but also to manage, store and update the information so that it can be applied and hence be transformed into knowledge.

Changing Your Site’s Url Structure? – How To Avoid Your Site Being Penalized

Unfortunately it will likely have a negative effect no matter what you do. The effects though are temporary-

Build A Professional Website That Pulls Targeted Traffic

Learn a 3 step system that helps you generate targeted traffic while producing a professional website design. This simple system produces outstanding web 2.0 results.

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