Warning Signs Every Christian Needs To Look Out For

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch team.lion.of.judah@gmail.com

Adobe’s Apollo – A New Era In Web Application Development

So what is Apollo? Apollo is the code name for what Adobe calls “a cross-operating system runtime… that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax) to build and deploy RIAs to the desktop.”

Build Your Own Website

No need to call in the programmers. You can design, build, and upload your own website.

How to Create a Web Site That Works

How to create a web site with better web design techniques and how to build a web site that draws more traffic.

Why Do You Have A Website?

Remember a few years ago when the Superbowl football games were forgettable but the commercials kept us around? While the commercials were entertaining and humorous, the advertising industry discovered that they often were not very effective in selling. Today, our websites are often entertaining and flashy, but do they accomplish any purpose? Business owners need to take time and determine a purpose for their websites, and then go from there.

Tips For Building Niche Websites

The first step is to find a niche area. You could draw inspiration from your friends, media, books, yellow pages, or from top affiliate programs. Once found that, the next important thing is to market the website so as to attract a good traffic to the website everyday. In fact, this is the difficult most part in building a niche website. This article discusses few tips that could effectively help one to market his/her niche websites.

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