What’s the Difference Between the Two Trees in the Garden?

What's the Difference Between the Two Trees in the Garden?

Two trees represent the decision between trusting God’s blessing or seizing abundance on our own. Watch now.
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What is the Exit Strategy for your Web Business?

You need to decide on your Internet business future if you haven’t done so already. You’re likely to be considering four options…

Making a Web Content Site a Media-Friendly One

It has always been a very tough competition among PR pros to get the attention of the media. In Public Relations, often, professionals are faced with the awful truth that no matter how relevant and good their stories are, many ended up in trash, or worst, others were turned down before they could even start introducing their pitches.

XHTML (eXtended Hypertext Markup Language): An Overview

Many Web pages today are poorly written. Syntactically incorrect HTML code may work in most browsers even if it doesn’t follow HTML rules. Browsers employ heuristics to deal with these flawed Web pages; however, Web-enabled wireless devices (such as PDAs) can’t accommodate these hefty Web browsers. The next step in HTML’s evolution comes in the form of XHTML, which is basically a combination of HTML and XML.

Should You Care About Web Usability?

Is your website designed for usability? If your website is not designed to be usable, then people cannot find the information they want. Frustration makes customers leave even before they find out more about you!

What Every Prospective Website Owner Must Know

Thinking about starting a website of your own? Then you must be familiar with the flowchart.

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