Do This Everyday And See What God Does

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch

Step by Step Making Site on the Web

For every body who wanna make personal or business website ,but have no knowledge or ideas to do that this ebook can solve this problem by teaching you how to do that in easy way ,short time and of cource without paying more money for that. This ebook deals with nearly most of common fields in web design ,it offers you a good base in learning how to build your site from the point you decide that,also it shows you how to promote your site among the web. Enjoy reading this useful ebook

Ecommerce Web Sites – If You Build it They Will Come – Or Will They?

“If you build it they will come” worked for the guy in the movie “Field of Dreams.” He built his baseball field and the players and fans came. Building your own “Cyberspace Field of Dreams”, or in other words, your ecommerce web site, will probably take a little more work.

Setting Up A Business Web Site That Works

Many businesses, both large and small, are disappointed with the results from their web site. The reason is often a failure to understand what they should be trying to do and to invest the time and the effort needed to make the site successful. This article describes some of the key steps missed or skimped at your peril…

10 Things You Can Do To Sell (A Lot Of) Ads On Your Website

Here are (10) easy to implement ideas to increase ad sales on your website.

Recycling Article Content on Your Website

Do you have a website with hundreds of pages many of which do not get viewed very often? Does it bother you to keep creating content for your website only to find it disappear in the search engines? One thing you can do is recycle your content.

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