JESUS WARNED Us This Day Would Come – “They Have Arrived”

JESUS WARNED Us This Day Would Come - "They Have Arrived"

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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8 Guidelines for Usability Testing

Eight essential guidelines for usability testing, helping you to plan, run and analyse usability tests.

Look For the Obvious and Work on It

When you are working on your own subscription website each day, you at times, tend to ignore the obvious facts and conditions offered by your site. Sometimes when we offer schemes and benefits that may not interest the subscribers or the potential customers much, the scheme may not take off to the desired levels. The reason may be that the customers are not very excited about what you are offering.

Web Based Application Development Services

The World Wide Web (WWW) has changed how today’s businesses communicate. WWW is not anymore only used to get and disseminate information but employed as a tool for performance. Today’s websites are not just static pages but interactive tools that enhance your business capabilities in real time. These responsive sites are powered by the web-based applications that are capable of responding and interacting with the user and allow skimming the information that is relevant and is up to date.

Content: The Key To Increased Website Traffic

Everyone wants to have a lot of traffic to their website. In order to get this traffic many people try to work on their meta tags or even do tricks trying to get more visitors to their website. One of the simplest and most solid ways to increase the flow of traffic to your website is to offer more content. It has often been said that on the Internet, content is king. It is important to understand how more content can bring more visitors to your site and how to generate content that is related to your particular web site.

How to Make Sense of Your Website’s Statistics?

In the early days of the Internet it was common to visit a web site and see a counter informing you that “you are the 118,456th visitor to this site”, and various webmasters would proudly talk of how many “hits” their sites were getting. Now, things have changed and you will mostly find counters on amateur sites, and wiser webmasters now know that the term “hits” doesn’t really mean much.

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