Proverbs • Wisdom Ep. 2

In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about the ancient wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. The author of Proverbs is this incredible teacher who offers guidance for just about everything humans will encounter in their lives, but is it just a book of wisdom sayings that we can memorize and put on our walls? The guys will go on to explain that wisdom, and the Hebrew concept of “chokmah,” is much more than that.

Focus on Your Goal and Stay Focused

A major factor contributing to the success of your website is staying in focus. It is very important to stay focused on your business goal, whether your website is well established or you are just starting your subscription web site. Despite all the diversions that you come across on the internet, you need to decide on your goal and stay focused all the time, because your subscribers are paying a subscription fee because they have confidence in your site and the content that you provide them.

Make a Habit of Analyzing Other Sites For Form, Function and Design

The need of the hour is to analyze successful websites so as to obtain clues on designing and marketing your own site. Since this is a business that is growing in leaps and bounds, it is necessary to learn the good aspects to ensure you adapt all good aspects of the craft. While this industry is still in its infancy, the prospects are very good and this appears to be a business that is here to stay.

Developing the Perfect Web Site

A well-designed and developed web site offers more than just products and services, it can be a great starting point to building your brand and developing a relationship with potential clients by giving insight into the organization, its core values and its personality. It’s not an issue of when to start on your web site, you already know that you need one now. The problem is how to get started.

Using the Web Accessibility Toolbar

The Web Accessibility Toolbar will help you test any website for basic accessibility in just a few minutes – find out where you can get it from and how to use it.

Creating a Member Based Website

Membership based websites are becoming increasingly popular as more information becomes freely available on the internet. is there a market for your product beign offered through a Membership Site?

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