Psalm 1

How can we live good lives rooted in God’s abundance? Psalm 1 offers two choices represented by two types of humans—one who is like a solid tree and one who blows away in the wind like chaff. In this video, we reflect on the choices that shape our lives and discover that what we meditate on makes all the difference.

Where’s Your Web Site?

This simple question can take on several different forms, but if you have your own web site, all are equally important. Don’t worry, this isn’t a sales letter, and it’s well worth a read. That openin…

For Newer Sites, Web Marketing Depends On Titles & Links!

We all start out the same. Some have budgets, some don’t. The one true factor out there is that we all want to expose our business. For 99% of us, starting out in the world of web marketing means a few things:

Be Creative Before You Purchase Or Create A Website

Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds on having it done by anyone else you should plan out your full design (or structure). Thi…

5 Essential Traits Of A Home Business Website

So you’ve decided to start an online work at home business and are just beginning to build your website. You probably have a million different ideas for what you want the site to look like. You wi…

Give Your Business a Cash Infusion

Whether you have your own business already, or are looking for a way to cash in on the profit potential of reaching millions of internet users – you can’t afford NOT to read this… Say goodbye to…

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