Saul the Anti-Anointed • The Anointed Ep. 3

Israel’s first anointed king, Saul, consistently makes choices that put him in conflict with God and the responsibilities God has entrusted to him. This turns Saul into the first anti-anointed one—or put another way, the first antichrist. In this episode, Tim and Jon explore the theme of anointing in the stories of Israel’s first two kings, Saul and David.

Optimal Website Design

Don’t let visitors get away. Learn to create a user-friendly site that will attract business.

What Works and What not Works for Your Internet Business

If you are working on an Internet business, you may read a lot of information for how quickly you can make money online. The truth is that running online business is same as running traditional business. You need spend time to learn, to build your business. There is no “magic button” you can push and get quick money. But Internet business has larger potential compare to traditional business since you have global customers. If you follow right roadmaps, you can be very successfull.

Beyond Web Usability: Web Credibility

Find out why usability will no longer give you the edge. Make way for web credibility.

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) & Web Accessibility

Find out about the UK legal requirements for websites under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

New Year’s Resolutions – Is Improving Your Website One of Them?

While you’re resolving to get fit, quit smoking and pay off some debts, we’re offering up some New Year’s resolutions for your business. Learn how to ethically kick your online competitors to the curb!

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