VS Code: Easy Refactoring!

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These days I love using async await for promises instead of chaining .thens in JavaScript.

What if you come across an older code base that has a bunch of functions with .thens and .catches.

And you would just love to convert all of those to async await, but that would take forever, right?!

Actually, it’s pretty easy. Just select the function and either click the lightbulb or press Ctrl+. and choose “convert to async function”.

It even includes a try / catch. Couldn’t get any easier than that!

🛠️ Tools I use:
🟠 codeSTACKr Theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codestackr.codestackr-theme
🟠 STACKr Code Font (Exclusive to my VS Code Course – https://vsCodeHero.com)
🟠 SuperHero Extension Pack: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codeSTACKr.superhero-extensions

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👀 Watch Next:
Playlist: Web Development For Beginners – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4yHS2dsN8&list=PLkwxH9e_vrAJ0WbEsFA9W3I1W-g_BTsbt

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Website: https://www.codestackr.com
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#codeSTACKr #vscode #learntocode


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