Wisdom of Ecclesiastes • Wisdom Ep. 3

Wisdom of Ecclesiastes • Wisdom Ep. 3

In this episode, Tim and Jon begin their discussion on the book of Ecclesiastes. This is an interesting book in Scripture, and the author is relentlessly trying to get the reader to rethink their black and white mindset. It can be a bit depressing to read, and it doesn’t quite give you the same type of feel-good wisdom that the book of Proverbs does. The guys will try to get at what this book is trying to teach us and what the author thinks it means to live a good and godly life.

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So you have decided that you want to do freelance work. You have done your homework and have developed your skills in HTML, PHP, CMS, and a slew of other applications. Now you are ready to start your new career.

Web Success Secret – Keep Your Visitors Interested

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Websites: You Get What You Pay For!

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