Foreground Parallax Effect Visual Composer Addon



Foreground Parallax is the ultimate parallax block builder addon for Visual Composer. Its an ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for parallax scrolling effect. You can set parallax scrolling effects to both side of the any section, and also add animation in indivual element.


  • 1. Ultra lightweight Foreground Parallax.
  • 2. Any theme supported.
  • 3. Super easy to use.
  • 4. No codding Knowledge Required.
  • 5. Add unlimited image element to parallax scrolling.
  • 6. Support left and right side of the any section.
  • 7. Animation support, you can use animation in any element individually.
  • 8. Scroll speed controll, you can set different speed in any element.
  • 9. Image position above and bellow of the content.
  • 10. Indivual settings for left and right side element. Parallax speed, image horizontal offset, image vertical offset and animation.
  • 11. and more options coming…

Note: All images used demo purpose only.


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