WC Product Variations Configurator on Any Page


New! Compatiblity with WooCommerce Subscriptions & Sumo Subscriptions plugins

WC Product Variations Configurator on Any Page - 1

New! Tabs + Mobile Carousels (live demo)

With this plugin, you can create a perfect Subscription Box online shop. If you are looking for a Subscription Box theme, take a look at our newest theme: TheCrate – WooCommerce Subscription Box Theme

WC Product Variations Configurator on Any Page - 2

Huge News: The first product configurator that can list WooCommerce variations in a configurator manner on any page, post, custom post type or widget!

WC Product Variations Configurator on Any Page - 3

Play with the Configurator in our live demos:

WC PVC or WC Product Variations Configurator is a very usefull plugin for WooCommerce that will enable the possibility to list the features of a variable product on any page, post, custom posts or widgetized area via shortcode.

WC PVC main purpose is for webshops searching for a simplified way to enhance their variable products and sell more on any page (not only on single product pages).


  • Online Documentation Available
  • List the variable product variations on any page
  • New: Tabs style + Carousels on mobiles
  • Configure variable products on any page
  • List the boring dropdown variations in a modern way with: Images, Title & Text Descriptions.
  • Set an attribute photo/image
  • Compatiblities:
    • WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin;
    • YITH WooCommerce Subscription (Free & PRO Variants);
    • SUMO Subscriptions plugin;
    • WPBakery Page Builder;
    • Elementor Page Builder;
    • Gutenber Page Builder (to be added via shortcode, not block);
  • Easy Installation & Setup
  • Multistep Product Configurations to simplify your customer’s life.
  • Well documented – Products CSV included
  • Video Tutorials
  • Constant Updates & New Features
  • Incredible Shortcode Options
  • Made for WooCommerce
  • Sample data included
  • Perfect for subscription box shops.
  • Important: So far we don’t transform the variations for single products (this in on our road map).

Server Requirements

PHP Configuration Recommendations

  • max_execution_time 500
  • memory_limit 128M.
  • post_max_size 32M.
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

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Change LOG

=== Released v1.0.9 (July 23, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Added a new option: Hide empty title/subtitle replacement texts. (If the title and the subtitle fields are empty, we have some placeholder texts on the templates. By checking this option, those replacement texts will not be listed.) (wpbakery and elementor);
[IMPROVED] - The documentation!

=== Released v1.0.8 (July 04, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Lifted the products limit while selecting the variable product (wpbakery and elementor);
[FIXED] - Deprecated:  Function _content_template is deprecated since version Elementor 2.9.0!
[FIXED] - Deprecated: Function _register_controls is deprecated since version Elementor 3.1.0!

=== Released v1.0.7 (May 26, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Tabs, carousel & few other options added on Elementor;
[IMPROVED] - Styling;
[IMPROVED] - Plugin Documentation;
[FIXED] - Fatal Errors on Elementor page builder (on newest Elementor variant);

=== Released v1.0.6 (April 15, 2022) ===

[IMPROVED] - Styling (icons);
[IMPROVED] - Plugin Documentation;

=== Released v1.0.5 (March 18, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Removed FontAwesome (replaced the icons with native browser icons) - for faster page loading speed;
[NEW] - Tabs style (right now 2 styles are available - List more & Tabs mode). The list mode is the default mode;
[NEW] - Carousels on mobiles (only for resolutions smaller than 767px) - the sliders will be applied for the options of each attribute and has to be used along with the tabs option;
[NEW] - New text before the add to cart button. Default "The price will be visible here after completing the configuration.";
[NEW] - New text before the add to cart button (success). Default "Please proceed to Add To Cart!";
[NEW] - 4 new shortcode parameters (params 9-12) from the documentation: http://themeslr.com/docs/wc-pvc/#usage-on-pages;
[NEW] - Included the scripts/styles only when the plugin is used (the shortcode) - this will avoid unnecessary loading of the js/css on other pages;
[IMPROVED] - Styling;
[IMPROVED] - Plugin Documentation;
[FIXED] - An issue when radio buttons were visible on some situations;

=== Released v1.0.4 (March 6, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Added Compatibility with Sumo Subscriptions Plugin (variable sumo subscriptions products can now be listed as configurable boxes products);
[IMPROVED] - Alignment/Widths on non-bootstrap sites (styling improvements);

=== Released v1.0.3 (February 8, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Added Compatibility with Elementor Page Builder;
[IMPROVED] - Colors & helper functions;

=== Released v1.0.2 (February 7, 2022) ===

[NEW] - Added Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. List configurators from Variable Subscriptions;
[IMPROVED] - Colors;

=== Released v1.0.1 (January 2, 2022) ===

[FIXED] - An issue with the visibility of the shortcode (listed above the content on sidebars or widgets);
[IMPROVED] - Mobile Responsiveness;

=== Released v1.0 – ===

[RELEASED] - v1.0;


Images: unsplash.com – All rights reserved!

Icons: FontAwesome 5 (Free Variant) http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/, Flaticon.com


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