Woocommerce Pickup Locations (Local Pickup) wordpress plugin


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Woocommerce Pickup locations

allow store owners to define various pickup points and allow their customers to come and pick up their product purchased by visiting the pickup locations.

Woocommerce Pickup locations version 4

Please note due to recent changes in google map policy, we have give a new setting option to enter your own google map api key. Also, Please note the recent woocommerce version have conflict with our plugin due to select2 (autosuggest dropdown). We have submitted new version that allows to disable select2. Please use the latest version.


You can create one or more pickup locations (branches) and customer can select the nearest pickup location. For each pickup location, you can define the complete address, contact details, map it on Google map, working hour’s etc details. In case that location is not selected on the map then plugin will try to get the location from the address field. You can also import multiple locations using csv import.

Customer can select the nearest location on map directly or select it using the radiobutton /dropdown. Selected pickup location will be saved against order and will be displayed to admin order section and as well as the frontend customer order details section. Selected pickup store owner will receive the order email with same details.
By default, pickup location cost is zero. You can specify cost for pickup locations also.
You can place this pickup location options on cart page as well as checkout page. It will automatically load all the stores on map also and you can use search feature to select the store on map. Apart from this, you can place map shortcode on any page to display all pickup points.


  1. Create unlimited pickup locations
  2. Show pickup location based on products in cart
  3. Define pickup location on map
  4. Define contact details, email, working hours etc for each pickup location
  5. Define various settings related to pickup points like cost, where to display pickup points, whether to show map or not, show options in radiobutton or dropdown etc.
  6. Allows customer to choose pickup point and specify the date/time of arrival
  7. Pickup location will receive email on order confirmation
  8. Order details will have all the details about pickup location, date/time
  9. Allows you to define marker image on Google map
  10. Allows multiple pickup location submission using csv upload
  11. Display all pickup location on map so user can select nearest location easily.
  12. Shortcode to display all pickup locations on Google map. You can use this to show it on any page.
  13. Search on google map.
  14. Plugin can also be used to display all your stores location or any address on Google map using shortcodes.
  15. Search within radius in map for nearest store
  16. Add pickup price based on the min order price condition
  17. Set min and max. time per order


Add Pickup points

Front End Pickup location

Various Customization Options

Shortcode to display pickup points

Version 4.1.1 (Major changes in code, make sure to take complete backup and also clear your cache as there been changes in js and css

  1. Day wise time – You can specify day wise start and end time for your each store location including break start and break end time.
  2. Pickup slot – You can specify one customer per pickup slot to maintain social distancing.
  3. Auto detect closest location – Pickup location will be loaded with nearest store available on checkout page load.
  4. Pickup Fees – You can define pickup fees to be added for each pickup location
  5. Pickup time slots – You can define the time intervals between the slots e.g 10, 20, 30 min
  6. Holidays – Add vacation/holidays for each pickup locations.

Version 3.1.1

  1. Added vacation days feature for each pickup location
  2. Added option to change marker image.A new taxonomy marker image is added to set marker image for
    same pickup categories (It works only for without radius search option)
  3. Fixed small bug related to upload csv
  4. Fixed small bug related to checkout page language translation

Version 2.7.1

  1. Fixed a bug related to woocommerce

Version 2.7

  1. Added feature to send email to shop owner or not setting option
  2. Changed code to fix latest woocommerce changes

Version 2.6

  1. Fixed a bug related to css.

Version 2.5

  1. Fixed a bug related to map.

Version 2.4

  1. Added Google map api key setting option due to recent changes in google
    map policy.

Version 2.3

  1. Fixed some bug related to woocommerce update.

Version 2.2

  1. Added feature – show pickup location based on user role. Please note that it checks role for logged in users only. Make sure to clear your cache properly to see shipping options.
  2. Small change in css for frontend.
  3. Export csv bug resolved.

Version 2.1

  1. Added major feature – show pickup location based on products in cart.
  2. Added option to hide search box in map.

Version 2.0

  1. Added option to set no auto selection of pickup location with force validation if no option selected. A new setting has been added.
  2. Removed time brackets from checkout page.
  3. Clicking on any infowindow closes other infowindows
  4. Resolved issue of single quote in google maps

Version 1.9

  1. Export pickup locations to CSV file. Import option was already present.
  2. Setting default shopping as pickup shipping option is now given in settings.
  3. Hide the pickup shipping until the minimum order is reached
  4. Added city/state/country/zipcode to the pickup location
  5. fixed map related bug that occured in version 1.8

Version 1.8

  1. Added option to search pickup location within radius on map
  2. Added Search textbox for google map search in admin
  3. Added option to set min. order amount after which free shipping will be applied.
  4. Improvement in code
  5. Added translations files
  6. Screen specific css and js for enqueue
  7. Fixed “to” text in the pickup details

Version 1.7

  1. Option to send pickup location address also in order
  2. Option to load pickup location point on map after some loading time.
  3. Fixed bug : small admin customizer js issue

Version 1.6

  1. Option to add min and max time of delivery of product per pickup location.
  2. Changed map position to above pickup point to make it more responsive fit.
    Old option (side by side map) is also there. Choose display type in settings.
  3. Display pickup details on order list page
  4. Various more settings option related to map position, text etc.
  5. Added map icon for Pickup Location menu
  6. Improved code for performance and structured
  7. Fixed bug : Radio button option was saving pickup id instead of name
  8. Fixed bug : ickup location csv is compatible with new version

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