Complete GDPR / AVG / CCPA Cookie Compliance WordPress plugin – WeePie Cookie Allow
The First Automatic Cookie Blocker Plugin for WordPress – EU GDPR & CCPA proof – since 2015
An easy, complete and flexible cookie law implementation plugin for WordPress which makes it possible to fully comply cookies on your website with the GDPR & CCPA.
New features for the new 2022 Italian cookie guidelines and more
Especially for our Italian customers we’ve created the possibility to show:
- the closing (X) inside the bar/box
- a configurable reconsider icon
Our newest version also has some other new features for the bar/box:
- the possibility to show the cookie settings pop-up trigger as hyperlink
- a configurable title attribute for the settings icon
Fully comply on your own way!
With our WeePie Cookie Allow Plugin for WordPress you can easily comply with the cookie law of your country on your own way and style:
GDPR / AVG cookie proof
- Cookie information bar/box with possibility to add a:
◦ Link to your cookie policy page
◦ Icon to open the cookie settings pop-up
◦ Accept cookies button
◦ Decline cookies button - Change cookie settings
- Block privacy sensitive /3rd party cookies before consent
- Consent logging
- Cookie consent only for EU visitors (disable cookie consent bar/box for non-EU visitors)
- Possibility for users to delete their consent (right to be forgotten)
CCPA cookie proof GDPR / AVG cookie proof
Our plugin offers the possibilty to take care of the following CCPA cookie requirements for California website visitors only:
- Show a bar/box with a Notice at Collection
- Add a link to your Do Not Sell My Personal Information (DNSMPI) page inside your Notice of Collection text
- Opt out possibility for placing 3rd party cookies
3rd parties automatically blocked
Need another 3rd party to be be blocked automatically? Let us know!