Modern JavaScript From The Beginning | First 12 Hours

This is the first 12 hours of my 37-hour JavaScript course. In thes video we will go over the fundamentals in-depth.

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0:00 – Intro
1:00 – What is JavaScript?
8:43 – Environment Setup
14:10 – Running JS In The Browser
21:14 – Using The Sandbox
24:15 – The Browser Console
34:22 – Comments & Shortcuts
41:26 – Variables & Constants
52:56 – Data Types
1:05:52 – Primitive vs Reference Types
1:13:02 – Type Conversion
1:23:10 – Arithmetic & Comparison Operators
1:32:51 – Type Coercion
1:36:54 – Strings
1:52:55 – Capitalize Challenge
1:59:46 – Numbers
2:05:34 – Math Object
2:11:33 -Number Challenge
2:20:05 – Date Object
2:28:20 – Date Object Methods
2:37:20 – Section 2 Intro – Arrays & Objects
2:38:02 – Array Basics
2:45:27 – Array Methods
2:55:56 – Nesting, Concat & Spread
3:06:06 – Array Challenges
3:13:16 – Object Literals
3:21:24 – Object Spread Operator
3:33:25 – Destructuring & Naming
3:40:24 – JSON Intro
3:49:27 – Object Challenge
3:55:50 – Section 3 Intro – Functions, Scope & Execution Context
3:57:22 – Function Basics
4:03:32 – Parameters & Arguments
4:13:55 – Global & Function Scope
4:19:23 – Block Scope
4:24:42 – Nested Scope
4:27:38 – Declaration vs Expression
4:31:56 – Arrow Functions
4:39:35 – IFFE
4:44:39 – Function Challenges
4:57:00 – Execution Context
5:06:20 – Execution Context In Action
5:10:21 – The Call Stack
5:15:14 – Section 4 Intro – Logic & Contol Flow
5:16:25 – If Statements
5:23:18 – If-Else & Nesting
5:30:29 – Switch Statements
5:35:29 – Calculator Challenge
5:38:52 – Truthy & Falsy Values
5:51:10 – Logical Operators
5:59:19 – Logical Assignment
6:05:33 – Ternary Operator
6:15:52 – Section 5 Intro – Loops & High Order Array Functions
6:16:49 – For Loop
6:28:16 – Break & Continue
6:31:09 – While & Do…While Loops
6:38:10 – FizzBuzz Challenge
6:46:14 – For…Of Loop
6:51:18 – For…In Loop
6:54:28 – Array.forEach
7:03:03 – Array.filter
7:14:38 –
7:30:10 – Array.reduce
7:39:01 – Array Method Challenges
7:49:33 – Section 6 Intro – The DOM
7:50:46 – Intro To The DOM
8:01:52 – Document Element Properties
8:16:14 – DOM Selectors – Single Elements
8:30:29 – DOM Selectors – Multiple Elements
8:39:49 – Traversing The DOM – Elements
8:51:16 – Traversing The DOM – Nodes
9:05:07 – Create & Append Elements
9:11:25 – innerHTML vs CreateElement
9:20:20 – Refactor To Multiple Functions
9:24:32 – Insert Elements, Text & HTML
9:33:59 – Custom insertAfter() Challenge
9:38:49 – Replacing Elements
9:48:38 – Removing Elements
9:56:28 – Working With Styles & Classes
10:06:09 – Section 7 Intro – Events
10:07:00 – Event Listeners
10:20:03 – Mouse Events
10:30:47 – The Event Object
10:43:49 – Keyboard Events & Key Properties
10:54:21 – KeyCode Mini-Project
11:09:14 – Input Events
11:21:05 – Form Submission & Form Object
11:31:52 – Event Bubbling
11:37:33 – Event Delegation & Muiltiple Events
11:43:21 – Page Loading & Window Events


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