WordPress Nearest Places


WordPress Nearest Places is a very smart plugin to show nearest places, using post, page, custom post types. Each posts is assigned its coordinates, longitude and lattitude, and then this plugin shows which posts are near, including distances.

Main features

Here is a list of all the features that WordPress Nearest Places includes:

  • Very simple configuration
  • Find posts/places around geolocation
  • Find posts/places around draggable marker in modal map
  • Using Google Map and API key is required for most of the features.
  • Widgets: Places list, Top Viewed Places, Featured Places, Places search
  • Searching and Sorting Option
  • Posts/places view count
  • Posts/places featured
  • Label places
  • Custom templates.
  • Template type: plugin or theme
  • Widget support
  • Sidebar left or right
  • Responsive layout
  • Cross Browser (IE11+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge, CentBrowser)
  • Translation Ready

Price better



WordPress Nearest Places is ideal for tourist sites, presenting lists of hotels, villas, beaches, monuments, museums, metro stations and all the rest! Although, it can work greatly for any kind of distance between objects: Gas Stations, Banks, Stores, Restaurants, events, cities, and more!

Give your visitors a great experience with ease. Anyone can understand distances and get familiar with your subject, whatever that is. Helping people get to the closest store they need. WordPress Nearest Places is for you!

WordPress Nearest Places it has very simple configuration: You just have to set the longitude and latitude for each. This way, it does not required any external libraries, and does not affect your website loading speed at all.


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