Forex Market Prediction Game Widget | WordPress Plugin


About Forex Market Prediction Game for WordPress

Forex Market Prediction Game llows you to practice in predicting short term movements of major FOREX pairs. Choose a currency pair, time frame and your investment (stake). Open long (high) or short (low) position depending on how you think the selected currency pair will perform.

Your trading history is saved in the browser storage, so even if you leave the page your current position and trading statistics will be reloaded on next visits.

Before making real investments in the FOREX market see if you can make profit. Play right now!

Forex Market Prediction Game for WordPress

How to use it?

Activate the Forex Market Prediction Game plugin from the admin panel (just like any other plugin) and then insert the following shortcode to any page or post to enable the game:


The shortcode supports 2 extra parameters:

  • return — allows to specify the % return in the game
  • display — allows to display the game stacked vertically

Here is an example of using these 2 parameters:

[forex_market_prediction_game return="0.6" display="stacked"]

System requirements

  • WordPress 3.0 and above
  • PHP 5.4 and above

What license is required?

The Regular license entitles you to use the product on one website / domain only. If you want to use it on multiple websites / domains you have to purchase several Regular licenses (1 website = 1 license).

If you charge website users to have access to the product or its components you need to purchase the Extended license.

Themesforest authors — if you want to include this plugin into a theme please contact us to discuss partnership opportunities.

Please adhere to these rules. Read License FAQ for more information.

Changes history



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