Pesi Questionnaire – Multiresult Survey and Quiz WordPress Plugin


Pesi Questionnaire is a WordPress plugin solution for creating a simple survey with score poin system. You can survey your visitor behavior and make prediction solution based result score.
With multiple result page opinion bring more accuration solution.


  • Multiresult page opinion ( depending on result score ).
  • Result email.
  • Unlimited choice answer each question.
  • Result scoring.
  • 6 Types choice answer ( Yes/No choice, Single choice / radio select), Multiple select / checkbox select , Single text field , Image select ).
  • Re-usable question.
  • Live update
  • Stored result ( since 1.0.1 version )

Need backend access ( demo) no problem, send request on my contact profile

What’s included in the package

In the package, we include the following :


If you need support, please send us using Item Support Form.

We usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays.

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