Vertical Slide Menu WordPress Plugin – Flyout Menu Awesome


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Flyout Menu Awesome is an awesome plugin that helps You to create the a WordPress menu interface element into your WordPress Site with custom layouts and effects. Flyout Menu Awesome is easy to use with extensive choice of Flyout layout styles.

Vertical Slide Menu WordPress Plugin - Flyout Menu Awesome - 4Vertical Slide Menu WordPress Plugin - Flyout Menu Awesome - 5

Flyout Menu Awesome Features

  • 3 Layout Styles
  • Custom Menu Background
  • 2 Types of Menus
  • 2 Types of Menu Buttons
  • 2 Menu Button Styles
  • Custom Menu Label
  • Extensive Options
  • Fully Customized
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Fonts Colors
  • Tested on all Modern Browser
  • Responsive


= 1.0.3 | 16 August 2022 =
- UDPDATED    : TA License not wall feature
- ADDED        : TA License admin notice

= 1.0.2 | 9 November 2020 =
- UDPDATED    : TA License not wall feature
- ADDED        : TA License admin notice

= 1.0.1 | 9 October 2020 =
- ADDED        : TA License
- ADDED        : Documentation link
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial Release


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