Ultimate Quiz Plugin For WordPress


Ultimate quiz plugin for WordPress is a full & final quiz solution for WordPress, it allows to create unlimited quizzes with unlimited questions. The quiz questions are supported up-to 9 types including MCQs, Fill in the blanks, Short/Long answered questions, upload document & more. Admin can import/export quizzes & submissions. The quiz can be set an specific time to end. The users can view their submitted quizzes and results.


  • Create unlimited quizzes with unlimited questions.
  • Support 9 types of questions like MCQs, Fill in the Blanks, Short Answers, Long Answers, Upload Any Document etc.
  • Add multiple choices for MCQ type questions and set the correct option with points.
  • Set Quiz starting and ending date after/before start/end date the quiz will not be attain.
  • You can set timer in minutes. After completion of minutes the quiz will be submitted automatically.
  • Show limited questions per page and navigate to/from next/previous pages.
  • Set MCQ layout like vertical or horizontal.
  • Enable/Disable attendant to take a quiz again if they attempt any quiz.
  • Enable/Disable question description.
  • Guest users are also able to take any quiz by entering their name and email.
  • Admin has the ability to mark any question correct/incorrect and add score.
  • Can import/export all quizzes and submitted quizzes.
  • Can filter submitted quizzes on the basis of quiz and user.
  • Send quiz result by email when submitted.
  • Hide/Show quiz result when submitted

Approve New User Registration WordPress & WooCommerce Plugin - 1

Frontend Quiz View Sample

Ultimate Quiz Plugin For WordPress - 1


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