WordPress & WooCommerce Approve New User Registration Plugin


Allows admin to manually approve new user registrations. Keep your store private by only allowing only VIP customers to enjoy registration benefits.

Features of WordPress WooCommerce Approve New User Registration

  • Enable Manual User Approval for All or Specific User Roles
  • Customizable Notifications for Pending and Rejected Users
  • Customizable Email Notifications for both Customer & Admin
  • Approve Users in Bulk from Users Listing Page

Buy WooCommerce Approve New User from the website and get 1 year of free support and special prices for a limited time only.

Need to Add Custom Fields to Your Registration form?

Buy our Registration Fields Addon

Enable Manual User Approval for All or Specific User Roles

The merchants can block all new user registration and manually approve them before the user can enjoy the registration benefit. They can also make the new user registration subject the manual approval depending on their user roles. The merchants can use WooCommerce Choose User Role At Registration in order to show user roles selection dropdown on registration form.

Approve New Users in Bulk From Users Listing Page

The merchant can review the pending users and approve / disapprove them in bulk in few clicks.

Wordpress & WooCommerce Approve New User Registration Plugin - 1

Change Log

2021-02-19 - version 1.4.1 Updated:
* Fixed issue of pending users filter in admin.
* Fixed issue of menu not show if WooCommerce is not installed.
* Improved WPML Compatibility.
2020-08-31 - version 1.4.0:
* Option to enable or disable approve new user on checkout page.
* Option to add admin/shop manager email address to receive pending user email.
* Support for user data variables to use inside the email body.
* Option to enable/disable admin and user emails.
* Option to customize email colors etc from WooCommerce email settings.
* Customizable subject and heading for emails.
* Add user approve and disapprove link in the admin email.
2019-07-26 - version 1.3.0
* Issue fixed with login when the module is active and but not enabled.
2019-14-23 - version 1.2.0
* Some typo errors fixed.
2019-01-05 - version 1.1.0
* Double email sent issue is fixed when the account is pending for approval.
2018-10-23 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release of the plugin.


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