WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload Plugin


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WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload Plugin

By using WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload the seller of the marketplace can bulk upload products. The seller can upload the bulk products from his seller account using a CSV file. Even the admin of the marketplace can bulk upload products into the seller account using CSV files.

It will support Simple Products, Grouped Products, Variable Products, Downloadable Products and External Products as well. It also displays an error message to the seller and admin if there is an error in the CSV or ZIP files.


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WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload Plugin - 4

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload Plugin - 5

Why WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload ?

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload Plugin - 6


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Features of WooCommerce Marketplace Mass Upload

  • The seller can add products in bulk.
  • The admin of the marketplace is also able to add products in bulk.

  • The admin can add products to the seller account.
  • Products can be uploaded using a CSV file.
  • Sample CSV files available to import products.
  • Image attachment with the products within the zip file.
  • If there is any error in the CSV file then, the products will not be uploaded.
  • The plugin is fully dynamic.
  • The code is fully open and you can customize it as per your requirements.

Highlighted Features

1 – Bulk Product Upload

The plugin supports bulk uploading of products through a CSV file, making it faster and more efficient.

2 – Image Mapping

The plugin allows sellers to upload the image along with the products in zip format.

3 – Download Sample Files

Sample files of CSV are also available to upload the products.

4 Product Type

It also supports uploading Simple, Grouped, Variable, Downloadable, and External Products as well.

Business Use

This plugin simplifies the process of adding and updating products in bulk for vendors, saving them time and effort.

Vendors can upload large quantities of products with all the necessary information in a single file, increasing productivity and reducing manual work.

By allowing businesses to upload products in bulk, this tool helps in managing inventory more effectively. Businesses can update stock levels, prices, and other product details in a streamlined manner, ensuring that their marketplace is always up-to-date.

This can help attract more customers and increase sales as a wider range of products becomes available.


"Initial release v 1.0.0", "Current release v 3.0.2"
* Added: Bulk upload menu for Separate Seller Dashboard.
* Fixed: minor issues.
* Fixed: Fixed security issues.
* Update: Update coding structure according to WordPress coding standards.
* Update: UI for both seller and admin.
v 3.0.1
Update: Fixed phpcs issue
Update: Fixed omega Issues.
v 3.0.0
Update : Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.x.
Update: Grouped product integration updated.
Update: Updated product insert query at seller-end to insert in bulk instead of separate queries.
v 2.0.0
Update:  Updated product import process from uploaded CSV to create products in batch at admin end.
v 1.2.0
New:  Introduced delete option for uploaded profiles for admin.
v 1.1.0
Update:  Updated and fixed run profile as the seller from the admin end.
v 1.0.1
Update :  Updated uploaded file type check.
v 1.0.0
Initial release


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