APO – Automatic Amazon Affiliate Product Availability Plugin for WordPress


APO Amazon affiliate WordPress plugin Features:

  • Get Status of products with or without Amazon API
  • Control a product across your site within different posts and pages at once
  • Automatic product availability checking daily, weekly…
  • Product availability Email notification to admin or other moderators
  • Click Counter for outgoing affiliate links
  • Easy to use with Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes, Hover and click to copy shortcodes and block IDs
  • Add Automatic product availability feature to any other Amazon affiliate plugin
  • APO replaces out of stock product links to item search link with affiliate ID
  • Compatible with all other affiliate plugins like AAWP plugin
  • Nested Shortcode for Dynamic Amazon product ASIN integration with other plugins
  • APO supports all Amazon international websites and is translation ready

APO General view:

Control all Amazon affiliate products across your Posts and articles,
You can get availability manually or it does automatically based on the schedule and visits of the page which product is inserted.

All products can be searched, filtered and be ordered based on status, name, ID, ASIN, clicks and more.


APO Settings view:

Activate scrape mode and plugin will use jQuery client side scraping for fetching availability (website must be on servers in the same country as Amazon).


Get daily Email notification with all product availability status.

Products can be made using Gutenberg editor with extra Amazon info.


APO uses blocks and shortcodes to insert products into post or pages.


APO nested feature lets you use shortcode inside shortcode, dynamic product ASIN lets you combine APO plugin with any other Amazon affiliate plugin, Adds automatic availability feature to any other plugin.

APO can get availability using Amazon API or without API using jQuery client side scraping.

APO Plugin is also translate ready, that means you can translate any plugin fields to your preferred language using WPML or qTranslate or just by editing the language files with an editor.

This Plugin won’t create product layout, it checks for your Amazon product availability and notifies while you can use any other plugin for creating your product layout.

How to add an APO product without other plugins

Amazon Product Organizer – APO WordPress Plugin


 = Version 1.2.6 (30th June 2020) =
 New: Block title control
 Bug fixed 
 = Version 1.2.5 (24th June 2020) =
 New: Scrape ability, availability without Amazon API 
 = Version 1.2.4 (17th June 2020) =
 New: Availability button separated from product update button 
 = Version 1.2.3 (20th May 2020) =
 Beta fixes 
 = Version 1.2.2 (29th April 2020) =
 Redesigned and optimized settings page 
 = Version 1.2.1 (21th April 2020) =
 Enhanced shortcode 
 = Version 1.2.0 (5th April 2020) =
 Enhanced shortcode
 Optimized style implementation 
 = Version 1.0 (20th Feb 2020) =
 Initial release 


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