Auto Recipe – Automatic Recipe Posts Generator Plugin for WordPress


Auto Recipe – Automatic Recipe Posts Generator Plugin for WordPressmake you can easily generate WordPress posts from Edamam Recipe Search API automatically.

Live Demo

Auto Recipe Features

Main Features:

  • Autoblogging with unlimited keywords and scraper campaigns
  • Create posts from unlimited number of keywords on each blog with long tail keywords supported
  • Keyword suggestions using the google suggest api
  • No Duplicate Content. Advanced options to checks and verify the plugin will not post any duplicate content on your site.
  • Create posts by your selected keywords
  • Uses Caching system
  • Schedule publish posts as your selected
  • Use WP Cron to check and run scraper campaigns backend automatically
  • Select post type include post, page, attachment
  • Select post status include publish, draft, private, pending
  • Select post author
  • Add logs when running scraper campaigns and wp cron jobs automatically
  • RSS Feed to post (our most loved feature): convert RSS feed items to WordPress pages, posts, and custom post type automatically
  • Import and aggregate unlimited RSS feeds from unlimited sources automatically
  • Bulk import and organize multiple feed sources of similar topics into Categories
  • Responsive content across platforms

Change log

Version 1.0.4, 09/23/2023

* Update - Optimize content duplicate check features before publish new post
* Update - Campaign setup and welcome page

Version 1.0.3, 08/08/2022

* Update - Schedule publish posts functions
* Update - Campaign bulk import functions

Version 1.0.2, 06/29/2022

* Update - Optimize WP Cron running functions scheduled campaigns automatically
* Update - Optimize log system message when running campaigns using wp cron jobs automatically on backend

Version 1.0.0, 06/27/2022

* Initial release
