15 Myths & Misconceptions In Web Developement

In this video, we will discuss some common myths that surround web development.

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0:00 – Intro
1:01 – #1 One & Done
2:00 – #2 You Need To Learn Everything
2:34 – #3 You Need a Degree
3:37 – #4 Web Development is Easy
4:51 – #5 Front & Backend Are Completely Separate
6:09 – #6 Web Development Is Dead
7:23 – #7 Web Dev Is Just About Writing Code
8:16 – #8 WordPress Developers Are Not Real Developers
9:45 – #9 You Need A Fancy Design
11:09 – #10 The More Features, The Better
11:46 – #11 You Need A Team
12:38 – #12 Not All Websites Need To Be Responsive
13:37 – #13 Websites Need To Be Perfect Before Launch
14:44 – #14 SEO Is Only About Keywords
15:35 – #15 You Always Need The Latest Technologies
