ARSocial – Social Share Buttons & Social Locker Plugin


ARSocial – All in one Social Share and Social Locker plugin for wordpress

ARSocial is exclusive wordpress plugin which is combination of Social Share, Social Like / Follow / Subscribe, Social Locker and Social Fan Counter. Why install numerous separate plugins for your social media requirements, when you can have it all with just ONE plugin that easy to set up, configure and maintain. ARSocial provides feature of placing social network buttons section wise and site wide as well as with shortcode at all pages and posts.

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ARSocial plugin comes to you with all the features you will ever need and more. This is the perfect answer for all your social media needs. Besides the excellent design that is effective and user-friendly you will completely appreciate its ability to hide or show share counts

ARSocial provides more than 42 most popular social networks including mobile networks. ARSocial provides various display positions and mobile display settings with Footer Bar, Share points to display as additional position for mobile sites. ARSocial can propel you through up to 40 networks at the click of a button ensuring the maximum possible visibility and viral growth and popularity. This feature has the ability to build your brand overnight by sheer connectivity.

This comes in handy when you have material that you do not want shared, but only visited and experience by those who visit the site. This will protect your sensitive information on certain pages, while allowing sharing on others. The customisation is particularly important when the competition is very aggressive.

ARSocial allows to protect content of page/post with two different types of locker :

  1. Social like & share which asks users to ìUnlock with a likeî or share to unlock content.
  2. Social sign-in which locks the content until the user signs in through social networks.

Social Fan Counter

Display fan counters of most popular social networks profiles with beautiful built-in templates. ARSocial supports 17 social networks for social fan counters. ARSocial provides various attractive themes, display positions and mobile display settings for social fan counters.

ARSocial allows to display social fan counter at Top / Bottom Bar, Popup, Sidebar with number of styling options. ARSocial also allows to hide particular display positions at mobile sites and provides additional positions for only mobile sites.

Social Like

Integrate like/follow/subscribe buttons of most popular social networks with native buttons facility. ARSocial provides 12 social networks for social like. ARSocial allows to load native buttons for like / follow / subscribe with various themes and effects.

ARSocial allows to display social like buttons at Top / Bottom Bar, Popup, Sidebar with number of styling options. ARSocial also allows to hide particular display positions at mobile sites and provides additional positions for only mobile sites.

Other Features You Will Love With ARSocial plugin

Supports 42 social networks

ARSocial plugin supports more than 40 most popular social networks including mobile networks. Choose and arrange from all available social networks to create collection of social buttons to be displayed on site.

Easy to configure

It is very easy to configure Social Share, Social Like / Follow / Subscribe, Social Locker and Social Fan Counter to display at pages / posts.

Choose and arrange your networks simply, select locations to display social network buttons and finalize styling with the help of preview, customize your social network buttons for mobile sites and at last just save the options and check frontend site, you will have nice and beautiful buttons.

Shorten URLs

ARSocial plugin provides facility to get completely new addresses and generate short URLs for pages and posts using or wordpress default URL shortner which makes your shared links much cleaner.

Built-in Analytics

ARSocial offers built-in analytics for all shared links, unlocked entries for social locker and clicked tracking for fan counter buttons in form of Pie chart, Area chart as well as Table containing all information.

Cornerstone Support

ARSocial fully supported with Cornerstone. ARSocial allows to place social share, social like, social fan counter and social locker with all styling and display options using Cornerstone.

Woocommerce Support

ARSocial plugin provides facility to put share/like buttons in any of your woocommerce store product, which makes easy to share/like products for customers.

WPBakery Page Builder Compatible

ARSocial also compatible with WPBakery Page Builder to better display social network buttons using shortcode at your page / post content.

Site Performance

ARSocial plugin is developed in such a optimized way that you will get great performance of loading buttons without affecting site loading speed.

Multilingual Support

ARSocial is translation and localization ready to convert your site in your native language.

Various ways to display social buttons

ARSocial provides feature of placing social network buttons sectionwise and sitewide as well as with shortcode at all pages and posts for Social Share, Social Like / Follow / Subscribe, Social Locker and Social Fan Counter.

Enable Native Buttons

ARSocial allows to load native buttons for social like, follow and subscribe to load fast with different themes.

CSS3 based icons

ARSocial provides multiple CSS3 based icons and eye-catching templates which will help your site to load fast.

Display Positions

ARSocial allows you to display your social network buttons sitewide at Sidebar, Top / Bottom bar and Popup as well as sectionwise at Pages and Posts.

Mobile Display Position

ARSocial allows to hide display positions for mobile site only. ARSocial provides additional positions Footer Bar and Share points for mobile site.

Clean Documentation

ARSocial provides clean documentation for better way to help you.

Change Log

Version 1.5 (16 Feb, 2019)

  • Added new feature to hide locker for logged in users
  • Removed Deprecated versions of Facebook API and added support upto version 3.2
  • Removed Delicious Network
  • Fixed Facebook like button issue in locker for Facebook Confirmation Popup
  • Updated Linkedin API calls according to oAuth 2.0
  • Minor bug Fixes

Version 1.4 (02 July, 2017)

  • Added support of Facebook API version 2.9
  • Improved css Social Locker section
  • Minor bug Fixes

Version 1.3.1 (18 March, 2017)

  • Added support of latest Facebook API version (2.8)
  • Added support of Facebook Share Counter

Version 1.3 (14 March, 2017)

  • Added new 2 theme style for social share buttons
  • Added new 4 animation effects for social share buttons
  • Added more options to change button size for social share, like and fan counter buttons
  • Added new option(position) for display social share buttons in mobile device
  • Added new 2 theme style for social locker
  • Added new facility to change font colors and background colors for social locker
  • Improved plugin loading performance
  • Improved overall UI of plugin
  • Other minor bug/css fixes

Version 1.2 (21 Oct, 2016)

  • Improved plugin loading performance
  • Minor bug fixing

Version 1.1.1 (09 Aug, 2016)

  • Added Viber social network for share
  • Added SMS facility for share
  • Minor CSS fixes
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.1 (16 Apr, 2016)

  • Added facility for shortcode duplication
  • Added facility to display like button on hover of fan counter
  • Added facility for display total counter for social sharing
  • Added facility to set interval for social locker
  • Added facility of lock content for category wise and tag wise
  • Added number format facility for social share
  • Added facility to set actual share/like/fan counter button in mobile view
  • Added facility for media (image) sharing
  • Fixed bugs of previous version

Version 1.0

  • initial release


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