Cryptocurrency Search Addon For Crypto Plugins


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Cryptocurrency Search Addon For Crypto Plugins

The Cryptocurrency Search Addon is a powerful plugin that adds an AJAX-based search feature to your WordPress site, allowing users to search across 2,500+ coins and 250+ exchanges.

This plugin uses data from these plugins to provide more features:

Key Features:

  • Search Anywhere: Search over 2,000 cryptocurrencies and 200+ exchanges with detailed search options for an enhanced user experience.
  • Layouts: Choose from various layout options (large, medium, or small) for displaying the search bar, allowing you to match your site’s design preferences.
  • Shortcode Friendly: Add a customizable search box for cryptocurrencies to your website using a shortcode. Adjust layout, labels, placeholder text, and search icon visibility.
  • Single Page Redirection: Redirect users to specific pages of a cryptocurrency or exchange for detailed information, including market changes (24-hour, 7-day, 30-day, 1-year) and historical data.
  • Icon Visibility: Control whether the search icon is displayed on your search bar.
  • Compatibility with WordPress Themes: Fully compatible with all WordPress themes.
  • Plugin Compatibility: Works seamlessly with the Cryptocurrency Exchanges List and CMC plugins to display detailed coin and exchange data directly on your site.
  • Mobile Compatibility View: Optimized for mobile devices.
  • Browser Compatibility: Works with all major browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
  • Premium Support: Pro users receive dedicated support from the Cool Plugins team within 24 hours.

Crypto Search Addon – Shortcode

[ccsa ico-source="both" layout="medium" search-icon="true" placeholder="Search Coins / Exchanges / ICOs" coins-label="Coins" exchanges-label="Exchanges" ico-label="ICOs"  search-for="icos,exchanges,coins"]
  • layout = small / medium / large (Search box size adjustments.)
  • search-icon = true / false (Show search icon in search box.)
  • placeholder = Any text here… (Default text to show inside search box.)
  • coins-label = Any text here… (Title to show above coins suggestion.)
  • exchanges-label = Any text here… (Title to show above exchanges suggestion.)
  • ico-label = Any text here… (Title to show above ICOs suggestion in ajax search.)
  • search-for = icos,exchanges,coins (Search filters)


Version 1.5 | 22/11/2024

Fixed: Minor security issues.
Tested up to: WordPress Version 6.7.

Version 1.4.2 | 22/03/2024

Improved: security checks
    Fixed: Missing Logo issues
Removed:ICO plugin integration

Version 1.4 | 09/03/2021

Improved: Search query response.
Fixed: Search not working for coins.
Fixed: 500 (Internal Server Error).

Version 1.3 | 04/08/2020

Improved: Browser cache for faster reload.
Improved: Initialized only when required.
Improved: Search query response layout.
Improved: Translation in various languages.
Fixed: Incorrect message in case no results found.
Fixed: Minor CSS issues.
Fixed: Webpage freeze issues.

Version 1.2 | 25/11/2019

Fixed: wrong coin logos

Version 1.1

Initial Release


  • Cryptocurrency Exchanges List Pro: Effortlessly display real-time data from over 250 cryptocurrency exchanges on your website. Create automatic exchange pages showing trading pairs and volumes, with the ability to enable or disable exchanges as needed.
  • Coins MarketCap Plugin: Integrate real-time market data for over 2,500 coins, including prices, market caps, and trading volumes. Supports multiple fiat currencies and is Yoast SEO-friendly, ensuring unique meta tags for better search engine visibility.
  • Cryptocurrency Widgets Pro: Display live data for over 2,500 cryptocurrencies, including coin prices, tickers, market caps, trading volumes, and percentage changes. Supports custom coins and is compatible with all WordPress themes and multiple fiat currencies.
  • Support Queries

    For support, you can submit your query here – Submit Query


    Our plugins offers crypto coins through a third-party API. Please note that it does not provide crypto investment advice, buy/sell recommendations, or guarantee price accuracy due to third-party API usage. Additionally, some links on this page may be affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you.

    GDPR compliance WordPress Crypto plugin!


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