WordPress Starter Bundle


The WordPress Starter Bundle is a collection of top-rated plugins designed to spice up and add useful features to your WordPress website. All plugins are filled with well thought-out features and heaps of customization options to make sure they effortlessly fit in with the rest of your design. The plugins have tons of amazing reviews and have evolved through customer feedback, so you can be sure the bundle consists of true value at an unbeatable price; purchase and save more than 50%!

We hope you like the selection and don’t be surprised if we add to it in the future. For now, the WordPress Starter Bundle consists of:

Jumbo: Make your site’s navigation stand out with this one-of-a-kind 3-in-1 solution.
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Horizon: A neatly animated, fully responsive horizontal menu bar. Usable as primary or secondary menu.
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PageLoader: This top-selling and massively customizable loading screen is perfect for adding some flavor to your web presence and can even double as a fantastic marketing tool.
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Nest: A stand-out way to display extra content. Use for announcements, contact form, mailing list, videos, images, shortcodes… absolutely anything you need. Also perfect for call-to-action behavior.
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