STACKr News Shorts – Issue 3 – You’re Doing React Hooks Wrong, Probably

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What did you miss last week in Web Dev?

Last week MongoDB 5.0 was released, we made a Flutter game, and we learned that FARM stack is a thing.

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Are Pre-Loaded Turnkey Websites a Safe Investment?

As more and more internet marketers look for ways to automate and streamline their businesses and broaden their consumer base many are looking towards pre-loaded turnkey websites as a way of lessening their day-to-day management tasks. Turnkey websites are basically sites with articles, videos, advertising banners and other images already loaded and ready to go. Some sites are also loaded with products you can earn commissions from, or you can sell your own products on the site.

SEO Friendly and Effective Drupal Development Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important feature in website design and development because SEO can make any website more significant and easily read by search engines for crawling and indexing. For a successful business or an online marketing campaign, a SEO friendly website is essential.

The Advantages Of Using The WordPress Content Management System For Bloggers

It seems that everyone wants to start a blog these days and tell the world about what they are doing. There are many options for this and one of the best choices is the WordPress blogging platform and the advantages are discussed here.

The Importance Of Web Design and SEO

A web designer must remember to keep SEO in mind when designing the website. However, that doesn’t mean that the web site owner needs to sacrifice their ideal site design for the sake of search engine optimization. Ideally, it is best to strike a good balance with web design and SEO.

Current Web Development Trends

Web design has no boundaries; the sky is the limit and the trends keep evolving as years pass by. Web development process is complex and the end result is varied. Web applications are an integral part of most businesses.

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