The Vergecast 094: iPhone 5S and 5C impressions

Sometimes an event transpires that changes your life in an instant. Other times the days seem to melt into one another like the … source

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has no equal (Googlicious)

Watch more episodes of Googlicious: It’s not even close — Samsung just dropped the best phablet of 2016. Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Editors’ first reaction: Best moments from…

The Apple Watch gets Dick Tracy style video chat (Apple Byte)

Watch more Apple Byte: The MacBook Pro brings the fastest SSD drives, CMRA is making the Apple Watch even better and say goodbye to the Peach emoji. #RestInPeach Watch…

New details on Google's Pixel 2 (Googlicious)

Also, there’s no Samsung S8, but we’ll see the Galaxy Tab S3 at Mobile World Congress 2017. source