The Vergecast 116: Getting in touch with Android Wear

The Vergecast is a discussion of all things relevant and irreverent in the worlds of art, culture, science, and technology. On this … source

Googlicious – The upcoming Nexus 6 gets leaked with more pics Google’s taking more control over its Android and Android Wear Operating Systems, LG is working on a 3G smartwatch that won’t need a smartphone and the Nexus 6 is…

Google Now and the predictive future of search

The Verge interviews the engineering team behind Google Now on Android to find out what’s next for the innovative search … source

CNET Update – Will Microsoft's Cortana outsmart Siri? Windows devices may get a more intelligent assistant, Roku to add Chromecast-like feature, and Google+ offers advanced photo-editing tools. source

Nexus 4, Nexus 10, Android 4.2: an exclusive first look from inside Google HQ

The Verge’s Joshua Topolsky visits Google’s HQ to check out the future of Android. Read more: … source