The Vergecast 109: Google's sale of Motorola, the iPod's decline, and Daft Punk helmets

The Vergecast is a discussion of all things relevant and irreverent in the worlds of art, culture, science, technology, and anything … source

Car Tech – 2013 Ford Taurus Ford’s big sedan girds for battle with much cooler Impala, 300, and Avalon. source

CNET Tech Review: Samsung Series 9: Heir to the MacBook’s throne?

This week on the CNET Tech Review: get Amazon’s Cloud Player on your Android phone; the Acer Iconia looks better on paper; and Samsung’s Series 9 will make you covet…

CNET How To – 10 hidden controls of the iPhone headphones The iPhone headphones (or any headphones with a mic and remote) can control your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch in up to 10 different ways. source

CNET Tech Review: Hello iPhone 4S, so long Steve Jobs

Watch this video on CNET TV: This week on the CNET Tech Review: the Apple iPhone 4S boasts big improvements; new mobile goodies from CTIA; make your Android phone…

Nike+ Fuelband vs. FitBit Ultra – Prizefight Get that Summer bod with tech! Fitness tech is an emerging trend and we’re facing off the Nike+ Fuelband and Fitbit Ultra. Is Nike’s branding power alone too much…

CNET Top 5: Best MP3 Players

The day of the MP3 payer may not be dead just yet, especially for those who go to the gym, or want to take their entire music library with them….

Apple Byte – The Apple Watch reviews are in: Fancy, but not necessary. The next Apple TV won’t support 4K, diversity comes to emoji with iOS 8.3 and the first Apple Watch reviews are lukewarm. source

Apple iPod Classic This iPod is classic for a reason, and delivers the best storage value of all the iPods. source

40 years of Apple with Walt Mossberg

We asked Verge executive editor Walt Mossberg to show us some classic Apple gadgets from his personal collection and tell a … source