Amazon Cash debuts, Apple to make own GPU chips (Tech Today)

Watch more from CNET News – The biggest tech stories of the day include Amazon’s debut of Cash, which lets customers use cash to pay for items. Plus Apple’s…

Galaxy Note 7 sales halt and new MS Paint hints (Tech Today)

Watch more from CNET’s Tech Today – Today’s tech wrapper sees all sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 grind to a halt. Rumors fly of an MS Paint reboot,…

iPhone X first impressions, T-Mobile/Sprint merger dead (Tech Today)

The biggest stories in tech include first impressions of the iPhone X, the end of the T-Mobile and Sprint merger and impressive Nintendo Switch sales numbers. Watch more from Tech…

Microsoft to correct Skype missteps, Star Wars AR is coming (Tech Today)

Watch more from Tech Today – Today’s major tech stories include Microsoft rolling back some of Skype’s unfavorable new features, the Pixel 2’s possible squeeze feature and an Star…

iPhone’s quick charging, Samsung’s foldable phone (Tech Today)

The biggest stories in tech include info on the new iPhone’s quick charging abilities, Facebook’s banning of monetizing off seedy content and new rumors of Samsung’s long-teased foldable smartphone. Subscribe…

The calm before the iPhone X storm (Tech Today)

iPhone X hands-on: Today’s major tech stories are all about Apple and the company’s announcement of its new iPhone and other devices. Subscribe to CNET: Check out our…

RIP Windows Mobile, new Oculus and Kindle (Tech Today)

Watch more from Tech Today – The week’s most important tech stories include Microsoft’s focus shifting away from Windows Mobile, Facebook’s debut of a cheaper Oculus VR headset and…

The 404 – The Newest Bathroom Technology Jeff Bakalar and Justin Yu from The 404 Show on CNET reveal how bathroom waiting time can be saved at public venues. source

First Look: Nintendo 3DS

CNET editor Jeff Bakalar takes a hands on look at the soon to be shipping Nintendo 3DS. source

Full breakdown of Nvidia’s new RTX 3000 series (3070, 3080, 3090)

You can order the new GPUs here… RTX 3090: RTX 3080: RTX 3070: *CNET may get a commission from this offer. Nvidia has debuted its second-generation line…