Can these smart glasses do what Google couldn’t?

Focals smart glasses by North use some of the tech previously seen in Intel’s Vaunt glasses. They project a laser onto your eye … source

RED ALERT:US Launches ICBM, RUSSIA Preps Satan Missile, North Korea LARGEST Nuclear Display EVER

CANADIAN PREPPERS STORE / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment Gasmasks and Protective Equipment First Aid Emergency Food Supplies Freeze Dried Survival Food Survival Tools Tools Shelter and Sleep Systems Shelter…

It’s 2019. Where are our smart glasses?!

Whether you think smart glasses are cool or creepy, for most people, they’re not a part of everyday life. But AR glasses and … source

Martin North Reveals All In Exclusive Interview | Australia Housing Market 2020 (Predictions)

In this video i discuss the Australia housing market in 2020 with Martin North @Walk The World Martin reveals all in this interview … source