NuCamp BootCamp – Notes: Table of Contents – React Native



NuCamp Full Stack (Class Notes) – React Native

Note to readers from CS: These notes are very detailed, but also contain stuff that is missing from NuCamps Videos. They are not a substitute for the class. Tests have been left. Other things have been added to make things easier to understand. If you want to really learn take the class. It is worth it! Beware, what you put into the class is what you get out.  Be sure to use my referral code (WWJSU4 ) if you sign up for a class!

Extra Note: This React Native Class is very hard without a very good JavaScript Foundation and understanding of Redux! Study JavaScript!

Week 1: Welcome to React Native

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 1 (Mon) – React Native: Week 1: Welcome to React Native!
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 2 (Tues) – React Native: Week 1: React Native Components
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – React Native: Week 1: React Native Navigation

Week 2: More React Native UI Components and Redux

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 4 (Mon) – React Native: Week 2: React Native UI Components and Redux
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 5 (Tues) – React Native: Week 2: Introduction to Redux for React Native
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 6 (Wed) – React Native: Week 2: Forms and Modals

Week 3: React Native Alerts, Animations, Gestures, and More

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Tues) – React Native: Week 3: Alerts, Animations, Gestures, and More!
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Wed) – React Native: Week 3: Gestures, and More!
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 8 (Thurs) – React Native: Week 3: Persist Redux Store

Week 4: React Native : Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: The Expo SDK

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 9 (Mon) – React Native: Week 4: Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: The Expo SDK
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 10 (Tues) – React Native: Week 4: Local Notifications, Social Sharing, and Picking an Image
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Wed) – React Native: Week 4: Network info
  4. Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Wed) – React Native: Week 4: Building Standalone Apps

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